I’ve Got a Theory

Since 9/11, thousands of people on the internet have become certified architects and demolition experts. 

Buildings don’t fall that way.” 

You can see and hear the dynamite exploding as they collapsed.”

Steel doesn’t melt at that temperature.” Many proclaimed.

When over 50 women came forward with rape allegations toward Bill Cosby, he wasn’t guilty of those claims. It was an effort to tear him down because he was trying to buy NBC.

Sandy Hook was a hoax in an attempt to persuade America to eradicate the 2nd Amendment. Nipsey Hustle was taken out because he was working on a Dr. Sebi documentary.

One of the more recent ones, Kobe’s helicopter crash was no accident. It was an orchestrated assassination because the Black Mamba was in a lawsuit battle with a pharmaceutical company that was pushing a dietary supplement with the same name, Black Mamba.

A belief that some covert but influential, powerful organization is responsible for a circumstance or event is considered a conspiracy theory.

I want to be clear about something, I do agree that a healthy amount of skepticism is necessary. We all should challenge the narratives big government, greedy corporations, and powerful rich people push on us.

The reasons for the war in Iraq proved to be false. The men who were a part of the Tuskegee Experiment were lied to. Every five years some apocalyptic virus comes along and is portrayed in the media as the next bubonic plague, only to have it quietly disappear from the news stream as though it never happened weeks later(Ebola, Zika, Swine flu, and now the Coronavirus).

But we also have to be reasonable and accept smack you in the face facts. The theories surrounding Nipsey Hustle’s death were rampant and expedient. When the real killer and motive were revealed, no one said, “ahhh okay. Our bad. We got that one wrong.” Nope, they pushed the narrative forward and changed the theory a bit to fit their beliefs.

Which is why conspiracy can be one of the laziest forms of debate and explanation. Conspiracy theorists never get anything wrong. In their world, if one theory is exposed as false, the goal post is simply moved and they pivot to different explanations and reasons for an occurrence.

What I find most egregious about all of it is, too many times the conspiracies people theorize are ultimately about them. It’s their attempt to prove they’re smarter than the rest of us. Ever notice how many of them talk down to us? It’s not about enlightenment or information. It’s about them being so smart as to not follow the masses. They have independently come to their opinionated, lazily educated conclusion and we’re lost sheep for not seeing it their way.

Look, as I have said, a healthy amount of skepticism or downright disbelief in our government, huge companies and corporations, big pharma, and even religion is a good thing. I would go as far as to say that it’s needed.

I get it, we all love being right. I know I do! But when you deny overwhelming evidence for the sake of never being wrong about something, you become many things. Intellectual just isn’t one of them.

About Byron 7 Articles
Byron is a co-host of both 3 Brothers No Sense & Politically Entertaining podcasts. Both are available on Apple, Google podcasts, Spotify, and other major podcast outlets.


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