Get Back in the Closet

August 3, 2020 Byron 13

    You can venture back to when the Europeans came here and ravaged the Native Americans into submission, taking over their land. You can journey […]

I’ve Got a Theory

February 16, 2020 Byron 2

Since 9/11, thousands of people on the internet have become certified architects and demolition experts.  “Buildings don’t fall that way.”  “You can see and hear […]

Our Most Cherished Treasure…

December 2, 2018 Byron 2

Our Most Cherished Treasure… No, not Kids Silly, Guns! Among the many messages and themes within the visually intelligent This is America video by Childish […]

Missing The Journey

September 2, 2018 Byron 0

Missing the Journey, While Capturing Moments There’s nothing like witnessing an event that you love, live. Cheering with other spectators, high fiving strangers, being able […]

Where’s the Party?

August 20, 2018 Byron 0

Where’s the Party? Who doesn’t like a good party? Great music, a nice vibe, and a comfortable venue all play a part in how much […]